
Victorian 2021 Hansa Championships

Published Tue 09 Mar 2021

The Victorian Championships were held over the Labour Day weekend and hosted by Ballaarat Yacht Club who proved, once again, that they can put on a fun and enjoyable regatta with challenging conditions.

A lot of sailors had not sailed for over a year – since the 2020 states in fact – and entries were very low (6 boats) three weeks out from the event when Victoria went into a state-wide Stage 4 shut down on 12th February. Victorians have spent the last 12 months proving we are a tough lot and hard to keep down. So, preparations were continued, and entries were still encouraged with the hope that Covid was contained and restrictions would lift in time. Three weeks later for the event, and with a late influx from the Ballarat Laser youth sailors, we had 21 boats entered! What a way to rally Victoria!

When working out a venue and dates, sailors told the organising team that they wanted to ‘get away from home, go sailing and catchup with everyone’. Lake Wendouree with a three-day weekend, race area close to the club and large deck space provided lots of time to do all of that and be entertained by on water antics.

Saturday had us sailing in a light SE breeze from the club that provided lots of laneways on the water to separate the fleet and bring them together again making for some tight mark roundings and tough decisions for those keen to fight it out for a win. Five Liberty’s and three 303 Doubles raced in the morning session followed by the 2.3 (8 boats) and 303 single (6 boats) fleet after a long lunch break. This was reversed on Sunday with fleets sent out onto a course with a cleaner light N breeze that built until lunchtime before fighting the cooler change for the afternoon. No breeze and drizzle on Monday were a bit of a disappointment when the AP then the N over A were flown, but many enjoyed the club brunch menu and coffees before packing up in the rain, spirits still in good order.

In the Liberty fleet, bigger than previous years, positions changed often between races and Louis Patterson from DYC, a Hansa regular but racing the Liberty at the states for the first time proved to himself just what he could do, taking the Championship from the defending Russell Phillips. Louis was also awarded the encouragement award to continue sailing Liberty’s and Shauna received the ‘Most Improved over the Regatta’ award after finding her groove on Sunday. The 303 doubles were a slightly smaller fleet than last year, but not less competitive. However, Stephen Griffiths and Christine Elliot proved they are still the team to beat with a consistent score card.

In the 303 singles, mark roundings were congested in a close fleet and positions also frequently changed due to eddies and holes on the water which saw many sailors fighting their way back through the fleet and territory hotly defended. Bruce James often seemed to find his own space on the water, and this left him in a confident 1st position, taking out the Championship. Perhaps the most well natured and intense competition came from the 2.3 fleet. Filled by Ballarat’s youth sailors and Charlie Weatherly who they call ‘Old Fossil’, the young laser sailors took great delight in the responsiveness and close racing allowed by the 2.3 dinghies and we all discovered just how many boats can fit at the pin when the start gun goes! It was also the biggest fleet and contained young sailors who had sailed many times interstate and some at their very first regatta. Cooper Brown took out first place, ahead of Ben Lodge who was last years champion. Lachlan Bellette, competing in his first regatta, took out 3rd and was awarded the Weatherly Award for Best New Junior.

Off water, the long weekend allowed for a pizza night on Saturday and a BBQ on Sunday which allowed for lots of story telling and catching up and an informal forum to plan for the year ahead, including the nationals in 4 weeks’ time.

The organisers wish to thank Ballaarat Yacht Club, especially Wayne Lodge and Ben Brown, for all their hard work and support to get the event going. A special thank you to The Sticker Company in Geelong for donating the medals and some trophies for the event.


1st - Lois Patterson (DYC)

2nd - Russell Phillips (DYC)

3rd - Robert Eadie (PDYC)

Hansa 303 Double

1st - Stephen Griffiths/Christine Elliott (DYC)

2nd - Ben Lodge/Ryan Harbour (BaYC)

3rd - Craig Millsom/Sarah Millsom (LWYC)

Hansa 303 Single

1st - Bruce James (LWYC)

2nd - Stephen Griffiths (DYC)

3rd - Alison Weatherly (BaYC)

Hansa 2.3

1st - Cooper Brown (BaYC)

2nd - Ben Lodge (BaYC)

3rd - Lachlan Bellette (BaYC)

Other Trophies

Best Female - Alison Weatherly

Most Improved - Shauna Phillips

Encouragement - Louis Patterson

Weatherly Sheild - Lachlan Bellette

Dr Alan Rose Award for a person or club who has encouraged others - Wayne Lodge.

Files for download
Hansa States